书法家: 顿立夫 原名:顿群 一九零六年 - 一九八八年 河北涿县人 简介: 是中华人民共和国国印“中华人民共和国中央人民政府”首任印鉴的制作者。 中国书法家协会会员,西冷印社社员 西冷印社创始人之一王福厂的徒弟。21岁在上海刻印为生,在此间出版《顿立夫治印》印集,60年篆刻经验作品收入三本集子内《顿立夫唐诗60首》《顿立夫治印初集》《顿立夫篆刻续集》《顿立夫印谱》为收藏家所重。早年作品细字如银丝,秀而不媚,工整极了,80岁作品古雅,气势博大,结字自然朴茂。 Calligrapher : DunLifu (1906 - 1988) , formerly known as DunQun, from Hebei Province ZhuoZhou City Introduction : DunLiFu lost his father during his early years, and lived in Beijing with his mother. In the 1920s, LiFu was hired to work as the main rickshaw and servant to WangFuZhen, a famous calligraphy engraver who served as the director of the Printing and Casting Bureau in Beijing. LiFu was an inquisitive young man who loved to study. For years, he would scrutinize and study the manuscripts that he was tasked to repair. It was only in the 1930s, when WangFuZhen decided to retire in ShangHai, that he realized that LiFu had a strong passion to study art. WangFuZhen subsequently took him in as a disciple. In his later years, LiFu became a member of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, as well as a member of the XiLeng Seal Society. He was requested to engrave the first seal for the Central Government of the People’s Republic of China. As the years went by, he became a master Calligrapher and a master Engraver. In 1983, he publish his works “DuLiFu Manuscript”, which was completely sold out. He later published another three book-sets, “DunLiFu 60 Poems”, “DunLiFu Zhi Yi Initial Set” and “DunLiFu Engraving Sequel Set”. Till this date, DunLiFu art pieces remain a highly sort after work of art. 尺寸/Dimension : 340mm x 670mm
产品号/Product Code : C00013 |
江涛 一九五六年生 重庆人 现为中国美协重庆创作中心中国画创作部主任,一级美术老师 重庆书法协会会员,云窟书院院长。
江涛文墨家传三代 十二岁学习中国绘画 书法 ,得到著名书画家启功 王学仲 孙其峰等先生的肯定和赞扬。其作品全国各地区展览,1996年参加《牡丹杯 全国书画篆刻大展》获得二等奖,重庆出版社曾出版《中国当代中青年书画家精品集.江涛专集 》,其二百余幅作品被国内展览馆,纪念馆及海内外有识之士收藏。
Calligrapher :
Jiang Tao was born in the year 1956 in Chong Qing, China. He is now the director of the Chinese Painting Creation Department of the China Artists Association Chongqing Creative Center, a first-class art teacher, a member of the Chongqing Calligraphy Association, and the president of the Yun Cave Academy.
Jiang Tao's family were all good in calligraphy. He started to learn Chinese Calligraphy during the age of 12 and won the recognition and praise of the famous painter Wang Xuezhong, Sun Qifeng and etc. His works are exhibited in various regions of the country. In the year 1996, he participated in the “Peony Cup National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition” and got awarded. The Chongqing Publishing House once published the "Chinese Contemporary Young and Middle-aged Painters and Fine Arts Collection. Jiang Tao Collection" before. More than 200 works were exhibited in the exhibition halls, and memorial halls in China. His collections also collected by many knowledgeable people.
江涛 一九五六年生 重庆人 现为中国美协重庆创作中心中国画创作部主任,一级美术老师 重庆书法协会会员,云窟书院院长。
江涛文墨家传三代 十二岁学习中国绘画 书法 ,得到著名书画家启功 王学仲 孙其峰等先生的肯定和赞扬。其作品全国各地区展览,1996年参加《牡丹杯 全国书画篆刻大展》获得二等奖,重庆出版社曾出版《中国当代中青年书画家精品集.江涛专集 》,其二百余幅作品被国内展览馆,纪念馆及海内外有识之士收藏。
Calligrapher :
Jiang Tao was born in the year 1956 in Chong Qing, China. He is now the director of the Chinese Painting Creation Department of the China Artists Association Chongqing Creative Center, a first-class art teacher, a member of the Chongqing Calligraphy Association, and the president of the Yun Cave Academy.
Jiang Tao's family were all good in calligraphy. He started to learn Chinese Calligraphy during the age of 12 and won the recognition and praise of the famous painter Wang Xuezhong, Sun Qifeng and etc. His works are exhibited in various regions of the country. In the year 1996, he participated in the “Peony Cup National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition” and got awarded. The Chongqing Publishing House once published the "Chinese Contemporary Young and Middle-aged Painters and Fine Arts Collection. Jiang Tao Collection" before. More than 200 works were exhibited in the exhibition halls, and memorial halls in China. His collections also collected by many knowledgeable people.
书法家:徐子久 徐子久,1948年出生,浙江省台州市仙居县城关小南门人。师承沙孟海先生,先后毕业于曲阜师范大学艺术系和浙江美术学院国画系,现为中国书协会员,中国书法研究院副院长、教授。 Calligrapher : Xu Zhi Jiu Xu Zhi Jiu was born in year 1948, Zhejiang Taizhou Xianju Chengguan Xiaonanmen. Apprentice from Sir Sha MengHai. He has graduated from Qufu Teacher Training University Department of Art and Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts Painting Department and is now a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese Calligraphy Institute Vice President, Professor |
尺寸 : 440mm x 26m (卷)
Dimension : 440mm x 26m (Scroll)
产品号/Product Code : C00019
Dimension : 440mm x 26m (Scroll)
产品号/Product Code : C00019
书法家:张荣庆 一九三八年生,河北安国人。现为中国书法家协会研究部副编审,学术委员会秘书,北京中山书画社理事等。尤擅长书圣王羲之,王献之,楷书及行草。 Calligrapher : Zhang Rongqing Born in 1938, Anguo, Hebei. He is currently the deputy editor of the Research Department of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the secretary of the Academic Committee, and the director of the Beijing Zhongshan Painting and Calligraphy Society. |
尺寸/Dimension : N/A
产品号/Product Code : C00036
产品号/Product Code : C00036
尺寸/Dimension : 642mm x 496mm
产品号/Product Code : C00037
产品号/Product Code : C00037
尺寸/Dimension : 330mm x 1360mm
产品号/Product Code : C00038
产品号/Product Code : C00038
尺寸/Dimension : 330mm x 680mm
产品号/Product Code : C00039
产品号/Product Code : C00039
一九三九年生,山西原平人。现为中国书法家协会理事,山西省书协副主席,山西美协理事,五台山书画院院长,山西忻州文联副主席等,为一级美术师。尤擅长于章草,古厚中见灵动,变化而不失书卷气。 Calligrapher : Chen Jusuo He was born in 1939 and came from Shanxi Yuanping. He is currently a director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, vice chairman of the Shanxi Provincial Calligraphy Association, director of the Shanxi Artists Association, dean of the Wutaishan Calligraphy and Painting Institute, vice chairman of the Shanxi Zhangzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles, etc. |
一九四三年生,四川射洪人。现为中国书法家协会理事,创作评审委员,四川省书协副主席兼副秘书长,四川省美协委员。其艺术实践追求【以其为正,以偏得中】而【华不坠实,奇不失真】。 Calligrapher : Liu Yunquan Born in 1943, and came from Sichuan shehong. He is currently a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the Creative Jury, a vice chairman and deputy secretary-general of the Sichuan Provincial Calligraphy Association, and a member of the Sichuan Provincial Artists Association. |
尺寸/Dimensions : 300mm x 1288mm 298mm x 1288mm
产品号/Product Code : C00052
产品号/Product Code : C00052
尺寸/Dimension : 340mm x 1350mm
产品号/Product Code : C00053
产品号/Product Code : C00053
尺寸/Dimension : 670mm x 1350mm
产品号/Product Code : C00060
产品号/Product Code : C00060
尺寸/Dimension : 670mm x 1370mm
产品号/Product Code : C00061
产品号/Product Code : C00061
尺寸/Dimension : 560mm x 1310mm
产品号/Product Code : C00062
产品号/Product Code : C00062
尺寸/Dimension : 340mm x 1300mm
产品号/Product Code : C00063
产品号/Product Code : C00063
书法家:李刚田 一九四六年生,河南洛阳人。现为中国书法家协会理事,中国书协篆刻委员会委员,河南省书协副主席,郑州市文联副主席等。长于篆刻及隶书,行书,别具一格。 Calligraphy : Li Gangtian Born in 1946, Luoyang, Henan. He is currently a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the Chinese Calligraphy Association Engraving Committee, a vice chairman of the Henan Provincial Book Association, and a vice chairman of the Zhengzhou Wenlian Federation. |
尺寸/Dimension : 300mm x 1680mm
产品号/Product Code : C00074
产品号/Product Code : C00074
尺寸/Dimension : 524mm x 678mm
产品号/Product Code : C00077 |
尺寸/Dimension : 653mm x 656mm
产品号/Product Code : C00078 |
尺寸/Dimension : 330mm x 1320mm
产品号/Product Code : C00081
产品号/Product Code : C00081
书法家:徐本一 一九四六年生,浙江鄞县人。现任中国书法家协会理事,创作评审委员,湖北省书协副主席兼秘书长,新加坡中华书学协会评议员等。擅长行草,有着独特的笔墨魅力,将传统书法中的“书卷气”,“金石气”与“现代气”很好地融冶产生新的意蕴和风采的书法家。 Calligrapher : Xu Benyi Born in 1946, Yixian, Zhejiang. He is currently a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the Creative Jury, the vice chairman and secretary general of the Hubei Provincial Calligraphy Association, and a member of the Singapore Chinese Book Association. |
尺寸/Dimension : 675mm x 1370mm
产品号/Product Code : C00084
产品号/Product Code : C00084
尺寸/Dimension : 680mm x 1354mm
产品号/Product Code : C00085
产品号/Product Code : C00085
尺寸/Dimension : 450mm x 480mm
产品号/Product Code : C00089
产品号/Product Code : C00089
尺寸/Dimension : 440mm x 470mm
产品号/Product Code : C00090
产品号/Product Code : C00090
尺寸/Dimension : 140mm x 1650mm
产品号/Product Code : C00097
产品号/Product Code : C00097
尺寸/Dimension : 290mm x 900mm
产品号/Product Code : C00098
产品号/Product Code : C00098
尺寸/Dimension : 290mm x 880mm
产品号/Product Code : C00099
产品号/Product Code : C00099
书法家:王宝贵 一九五零年生,河南开封人。中国书法家协会理事,河南省书协副主席,开封市书协主席。尤注力于隶书的研习,所书朴古简远,含蓄空灵,独具一格。 Calligrapher : Wang Baogui Born in 1950, Kaifeng, Henan. He was a Director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Vice Chairman of the Henan Provincial Calligraphy Association, Chairman of the Kaifeng City Book Association. |
尺寸/Dimensions : 312mm x 1283mm 313mm x 1295mm
产品号/Product Code : C00100
产品号/Product Code : C00100
尺寸/Dimension : 635mm x 473mm
产品号/Product Code : C00101
产品号/Product Code : C00101
尺寸/Dimension : 320mm x 580mm
产品号/Product Code : C00108
产品号/Product Code : C00108
尺寸/Dimension : 315mm x 1340mm
产品号/Product Code : C00109
产品号/Product Code : C00109
书法家/画家:王佩原 王佩原,男,研究员。原西安市户县文化馆艺术辅导干部,户县农民画协会秘书长,著书立说颇丰。擅长书法及中国水墨画创作,笔意新颖,题材广泛,个性鲜明,花鸟画《秋韵》等获国粹奖,书法《汉唐雄风》等获国家二等奖,近年来曾先后在西安,深圳,山东泰安,台湾高雄等市举办个人书画展,百余件作品被美国,日本,香港,台湾等国家和地区收藏,有“全能”,“多面手”之美称,是社会公认的群众艺术家。现任国际中国美术家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员,中国书画研究院西安分院名誉院长,陕西省艺术研究所特邀研究员。 Calligrapher/Artist : Wang Peiyuan Wang Peiyuan, armed with a college diploma, is a famous calligrapher and painter. He has worked as an arts cadre in Huxian Arts Club and Secretary of Huxian Peasants' Paintings Associations. His works are well known. He is into different styles and significant characteristics of calligraphy and paintings. One of his masterpieces "Autumn" painting was awarded a national masterpiece under the Flowers and Birds category. His calligraphy Han & Tang XiongFeng was awarded the second prize in the national competition. During the past few years, he had held private exhibitions of his works in Xian, Shenzhen, Tai' an, in Shandong, Kaohsiung in Taiwan and other cities. More than a hundred pieces of his works has been collected in USA, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other areas by arts collectors. He is known to be a versatile and an excellent artist. Today, he is a member of International Chinese Arts Association and Chinese Calligraphy Association, as well as a honorary chairman of Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings Research Academy, Xi'an Branch and a researcher at Shaanxi Arts Research Institute. |
产品号/Product Code : C00118
产品号/Product Code : C00119
产品号/Product Code : C00120
产品号/Product Code : C00121
产品号/Product Code : C00122
产品号/Product Code : C00123
书法家:行云 (原名:项宗顺)
一九四九年生.1978年年开始学习中国书画,有幸得到著名书画家郭石夫,书法家宋滨泉两位先生指教。毕业于中国画函授大学国画系。专功写意梅花。行云现为中国艺术家协会会员,中国书画院高级院士,中国国画书院研究员等。 Calligrapher : Xing Yun (Original Name : Xiang Zong Shun) Born in 1949. In 1978, he began to study Chinese painting and calligraphy. He was fortunate to receive the teachings of famous painter Guo Shifu and the calligrapher Song Binquan. He graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of the Chinese Painting Correspondence University. He specialized in plum blossoms. Xingyun is currently a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a senior member of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Institute, and a researcher at the Chinese Painting Academy. |
尺寸/Dimension : 210mm x 670mm
产品号/Product Code : C00124
产品号/Product Code : C00124
竹刻 竹雕是中国特有的一种专门艺术,以刀代笔将书 画 诗 文 印 诸种艺术融为一体,竹刻为艺术上精品,汉代已达到全盛时期。工艺繁多,无法量产。 工艺流程复杂:选竹 断料 刻制三步,采竹在冬季选挺直 竿长 节稀无斑点体硕质坚 生长三年以上之竹,求其精华。竹子砍下后须经两年自然晾干,分割成竹筒或 竹片等通过蒸煮处理,干透后做配样,刻制 ,刀法精炼刀路流畅,一气呵成,彩绘 上漆等。 保养 恒温 避高温,棉布 轻拭,抹核桃油,潮湿地方放入木盒、玻璃盒密封等。 Introduction : Bamboo carving is a special art unique to China. It combines the art of painting, poetry, and calligraphy with a knife instead of a pen. The bamboo carving is a fine art, becoming extremely popular during the Han Dynasty (206BC - 220AD). In recent years (1900s), due to a lack of skilled craftsmen, bamboo carvings are no longer mass produced. The process of preparing the "canvas" is complicated; The bamboo pieces are only handpicked during Winter. To be suitable, these bamboo pieces must be long, thin and strong. The optimal age of these bamboo is at least three years old. After the bamboo is collected, it has to be dried naturally for two years. Subsequently, the bamboo is then divided into tubes or cut into pieces depending on the artist's requirements. Depending on the individual's techniques, the artist may steam the bamboo pieces prior and after engraving. The knives has to be constantly sharpened during the carving process. Any mistakes will render the entire piece of bamboo useless. Besides the artist, the age of the art piece, and origins of the Bamboo carvings, most collectors accord value to the size, symmetry and number of characters on the bamboo tube or piece. For general maintenance of your bamboo pieces, maintain constant temperature (avoid high temperature fluctuations). You may use cotton cloth to lightly wipe and apply walnut oil to preserve the vibrance of your art piece. 尺寸/Dimension : 230mm x 595mm
产品号/Product Code : C00002 |
一九二五年生,广东澄清人,韶关市书法协家协会主席,中国书法家协会会员,广东省篆刻刻字作品展展览评委。 自幼爱好书法,专心勤练唐、宋书法家字体,80年代多方面出众,90年学习钻研刻字,擅长竹刻,作品多为精品。 作品入选中国书法家协会举办的全国首届刻字展,首届国际刻字展, 全国第六届书法篆刻展,1995年作品在全国第二届刻字展获奖。 Engraver : Lin Xiu Dian Lin Xiu Dian was born in the year 1925 in ChengHai District of the city of ShanTou in GuangDong Province. He was appointed as a Chairman of ShaoGuan Calligraphy Association, he later became an Honorary member of the Chinese Calligraphy Association (National) and was even invited to judge the GuangDong Province Engraving Exhibition for a number of years. Since young, he has been passionate in Chinese calligraphy. He concentrated his studies on the Tang and Song Calligraphers' fonts. He was outstanding in many aspects in the 1980s. He studied letter carving in the 90s. He is proficient at bamboo carvings and his works are mostly fine art. His works were selected by the Chinese Calligraphers Association for the National Engraving Exhibition, the International Engraving Exhibition and the National Calligraphy Engraving Exhibition. In 1995, he won top honours in the National Engraving Exhibition. 直径/Diameter : 160mm
长度/Length : 1020mm 产品号/Product Code : C00001 |
马君毅 别名裕民 一九三六年九月出生,慈溪市人。浙江省书法家协会会员,中华硬笔书法家协会会员,北京中国艺术研究院研究员。
马君毅多次为慈善事业义卖捐款,2009年“中国邮政” 制作发行马君毅专题的《艺术人生 中华艺术名家博览》国家专题纪念邮票一套八枚。
Calligrapher :
MaJunyi, formerly known as YuMin, was born in September 1936, from CiXi city, China. He is a member of ZheJiang Calligraphy Association, Chinese Calligraphy Association and he is also a researcher in Beijing Academy of Chinese Art.
Introduction :
He is the apprentice of well known Shanghai master - Mr RenZheng who was proficient in painting. He is hardworking and self-motivated under extremely difficult conditions. He has innovated and developed his own style by studying the traditional techniques of famous painters and painters of all ages. His exhibition has won many awards and has been invited to hold individual bookfairs in Academy of Art in Hangzhou XiLeng, Painting and Calligraphy Institute in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Brazil, and other countries and regions.
MaJunyi would often donate money to charity. In 2009, "China Post" produced and distributed a series of eight special national commemorative stamps for the "Art Life Chinese Art Masters Expo" featuring Ma Junyi.
马君毅 别名裕民 一九三六年九月出生,慈溪市人。浙江省书法家协会会员,中华硬笔书法家协会会员,北京中国艺术研究院研究员。
马君毅多次为慈善事业义卖捐款,2009年“中国邮政” 制作发行马君毅专题的《艺术人生 中华艺术名家博览》国家专题纪念邮票一套八枚。
Calligrapher :
MaJunyi, formerly known as YuMin, was born in September 1936, from CiXi city, China. He is a member of ZheJiang Calligraphy Association, Chinese Calligraphy Association and he is also a researcher in Beijing Academy of Chinese Art.
Introduction :
He is the apprentice of well known Shanghai master - Mr RenZheng who was proficient in painting. He is hardworking and self-motivated under extremely difficult conditions. He has innovated and developed his own style by studying the traditional techniques of famous painters and painters of all ages. His exhibition has won many awards and has been invited to hold individual bookfairs in Academy of Art in Hangzhou XiLeng, Painting and Calligraphy Institute in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Brazil, and other countries and regions.
MaJunyi would often donate money to charity. In 2009, "China Post" produced and distributed a series of eight special national commemorative stamps for the "Art Life Chinese Art Masters Expo" featuring Ma Junyi.
Calligrapher : Xu Song Yuan
Calligrapher : Xu Song Yuan
尺寸/Dimension : 325mm x 900mm
产品号/Product Code : C0001
产品号/Product Code : C0001
书法家:新安画派 方宗耀
Calligrapher : Fang Zong Yao
Calligrapher : Fang Zong Yao
尺寸/Dimension : 260mm x 990mm
270mm x 980mm
产品号/Product Code : C00018
270mm x 980mm
产品号/Product Code : C00018
尺寸/Dimension : 470mm x 650mm
产品号/Product Code : C00003
产品号/Product Code : C00003
尺寸/Dimension : 250mm x 680mm
产品号/Product Code : C00004
产品号/Product Code : C00004
尺寸/Dimension : 320mm x 1060mm
产品号/Product Code : C00005
产品号/Product Code : C00005
尺寸/Dimension : 335mm x 650mm
产品号/Product Code : C00006
产品号/Product Code : C00006
尺寸/Dimension : 460mm x 660mm
产品号/Product Code : C00007
产品号/Product Code : C00007
尺寸/Dimension : 690mm x 485mm
产品号/Product Code : C00008
产品号/Product Code : C00008
尺寸/Dimension : 935mm x 530mm
产品号/Product Code : C00009
产品号/Product Code : C00009
尺寸/Dimension : 440mm x 650mm
产品号/Product Code : C00010
产品号/Product Code : C00010
尺寸/Dimension : 650mm x 660mm
产品号/Product Code : C00011
产品号/Product Code : C00011
尺寸/Dimension : 650mm x 660mm
产品号/Product Code : C00012
产品号/Product Code : C00012