Zhang Daqian Ceramic Painting 张大千瓷板画
美庐别墅简介 位于中国江西省庐山牯岭,庐山会议旧址 全国重点文物保护单位 ,这是一栋英式的劵廊式别墅,与其他别墅相比,别墅本身也是出类拔萃,坐落在大月山下,绿树环抱, 有一股天然独特的气韵。别墅与宋家王朝的故事。1933年8月8日蒋介石与宋美龄入住,1934年正式由宋美龄购买,作了小小修改,1936年防日本飞机轰炸修建防空洞.1937年底南京被日军包围 ,蒋介石宋美龄乘专机到别墅短住几天飞往汉口。几年艰难岁月待蒋介石宋美龄再次回来已是1946年夏天。庐山1939年沦陷,日本人占领庐山期间,别墅陈设遭到很大破坏,管理局整理布置一遍,宋美龄不满意,请英国人凯尔台重新设计在竹林的西边加一组石桌石凳............. 1948蒋介石为他喜爱的这栋别墅题写了“美庐”, 1948年8月后宋美龄与丈夫告别庐山,再也没有回来,而“美庐”却因为她的缘故永远留了下来。
此瓷板画作:应美庐墅主嘱托吾平生恭画,民国卅六年九月 张大千
尺寸/Size : 590mm x 1120mm x 20mm
产品号/Product Code : P00001
此瓷板画作:应美庐墅主嘱托吾平生恭画,民国卅六年九月 张大千
尺寸/Size : 590mm x 1120mm x 20mm
产品号/Product Code : P00001
Mao Zhe Dong Ceramic Painting
尺寸/Dimension : 200mm x 285mm
产品号/Product Code : P00002
Mao Zhe Dong Ceramic Painting
尺寸/Dimension : 200mm x 285mm
产品号/Product Code : P00002
"Modern China's Air Force One"
毛泽东主席在1957年3月19日首次登上 “空军一号”IL-14 中国飞机。
《毛主席在飞机上工作》是一名著名摄影记者侯波(1924 - )的摄影作品。
Chairman Mao Ze Dong first trip on 19th March 1957 in the “China Air Force One”, an IL-14 plane
Pictured by a famous photojournalist Hou Bo (1924 - )
This ceramic plate was drawn by a renowned artist, Wu Kang (1914-1991). He was a famous Chinese ceramic art master who had a long illustrious career in the ceramic art form. He worked for the Art of JingDeZhen porcelain where he painted this famous ceramic piece in 1969. In the painting, the Chairman is holding a cigarette in his left hand. Wu Kang’s impeccable observational skills and artistic interpretation is captured clearly within the painting especially where the ashes of Mao Ze Dong’s cigarette fell to the ground.
尺寸/Size : 415mm x 718mm
画家/Artist : 吴康 Wu Kang (1914 -1991)
产品号/Product Code : P00003
"Modern China's Air Force One"
毛泽东主席在1957年3月19日首次登上 “空军一号”IL-14 中国飞机。
《毛主席在飞机上工作》是一名著名摄影记者侯波(1924 - )的摄影作品。
Chairman Mao Ze Dong first trip on 19th March 1957 in the “China Air Force One”, an IL-14 plane
Pictured by a famous photojournalist Hou Bo (1924 - )
This ceramic plate was drawn by a renowned artist, Wu Kang (1914-1991). He was a famous Chinese ceramic art master who had a long illustrious career in the ceramic art form. He worked for the Art of JingDeZhen porcelain where he painted this famous ceramic piece in 1969. In the painting, the Chairman is holding a cigarette in his left hand. Wu Kang’s impeccable observational skills and artistic interpretation is captured clearly within the painting especially where the ashes of Mao Ze Dong’s cigarette fell to the ground.
尺寸/Size : 415mm x 718mm
画家/Artist : 吴康 Wu Kang (1914 -1991)
产品号/Product Code : P00003
Twin Dragons Ceramic Painting
尺寸/Size : 580mm x 1120mm
年代 : 大清同治年间 (1862 - 1873)
Dynasty : Qing Dynasty (1862 - 1873)
产品号/Product Code : P00005
Twin Dragons Ceramic Painting
尺寸/Size : 580mm x 1120mm
年代 : 大清同治年间 (1862 - 1873)
Dynasty : Qing Dynasty (1862 - 1873)
产品号/Product Code : P00005
100 Emperors Ceramic Paintings
尺寸/Size : 590mm x 1120mm
产品号/Product Code : P00006
100 Emperors Ceramic Paintings
尺寸/Size : 590mm x 1120mm
产品号/Product Code : P00006
Tiger Ceramic Painting
尺寸/Dimension : 469mm x 310mm
产品号/Product Code : P00007
Tiger Ceramic Painting
尺寸/Dimension : 469mm x 310mm
产品号/Product Code : P00007